Monday 10 September 2012

Introducing... The Theories Series

Good afternoon fellow leaders! I hope that you had a riveting weekend and are already off to a good start by kicking serious leadership ass this week ...

Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention? I have just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story and I need all of you to pay attention: There are 6 million leadership theories out there and most sound like an S Club 7 song montage ... don't believe me? Check out these vids:

Believe me now? (if not, please also refer to "Gonna Change the World")

I digress, since leadership theories can be very daunting in their breadth and depth, I am launching the SYTYC-lead THEORIES SERIES (eries-eries-eries).

Stay tuned for this week's first post that will make the Situational Leadership model make sense, with very sparing use of S Club 7's lyrical genius.

"Don't stop, never give up, hold your head high and reach the top. When the world seems to get too tough, bring it all back to you." - The 'genius' who wrote S Club 7's music.

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